More and more often we find ourselves hunched over our screens, inhaling content and exhaling time. 


Of course you don't want to be the person who is 'always on their phone' but it can be a nice way to switch off and unwind at the end of the day, it's no different to watching TV only it's curated by you.

Instagram, if refined to suit your interests can be a potpourri of inspiration and ideas.

Unfollow the garbage and make your feed count.

Here are a few accounts I've been enjoying lately.


1. Palace Electric @palaceelectric

This guy buys buildings and turns them into functional pieces of art.


2. Core 77 @core77

Manufacturing processes and generally satisfying things to watch.


3. Andreas Wannerstedt @wannerstedt 

Satisfying motion graphics, this guy is amazing.


4. New Yorker Cartoons @newyorkercartoons

Light-hearted relatable cartoons for a good smile.



5. Hydraulic Press Channel @hydraulicpresschannel

Things getting squashed.


6. David Shrigley @davidshrigley

One of my favourite artists who doesn't take life too seriously.


7. Face Fabrication @facethinksmakes

If you love blackened steel, things fitting together perfectly and custom components. These guys are based in Brooklyn, NY and hosted George and I for an afternoon and taught us how to blacken steel.


8. Mcrow @mcrowcompany

The brainchild of BDDW founder, Tyler hays, these guys make clothing, ceramics, beer, sourdough and everything in between. 


9. Rufus Knight @rufus.knight

My parents are great friends with Rufus' parents, When we used to go and stay with them in Mahia, Rufus had long hair and loved skating. Now he is New Zealand's top interior architect and takes a bloody good snap on his iPhone.


10. George & Willy @georgeandwilly

Our products, us and everything in between.



















William McCallum